Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dear Future WISE Student

Besides what I learned as a direct result of research in my WISE project, I’ve learned a number of other things. The first thing is that procrastination never pays off. It’s something that I’ve actually learned time and time again, but after all, a WISE project is huge, and procrastinating on something like this means that the consequences are greatly magnified.
Another thing I’ve learned is that while I don’t always have the ability to produce what I want, but it doesn’t matter. This is something I learned recently. Hold high standards for yourself, but remember that whatever you’re doing is a learning process and that you’re still in your intermediate stages.
The biggest thing is something I’ve learned about myself. Actually, I was just thinking about this earlier today, but I’ve developed a huge desire to create. I find that I’m beginning to always feel guilty if I don’t work on something that I can show. On the other hand, I feel like any time spent drawing is never time wasted for me. It’s not just because I have an obligation to my class to work, but because I have an obligation to myself in order to grow. I hope others will feel the same way about their own separate passions.

1 comment:

  1. How incredibly thoughtful Kelvin. I really like what you've written here. You've apparently learned a lot. ;)
